Monday, November 25, 2013

Be Grateful.

Dearest Pratt Family,

This week has been another trial of my faith and willingness to serve HIM. As a mission we have really been applying what Elder Bednar has taught us and most of all what the spirit taught me! Monday evening we met with Juan who is less active and is wanting to come back to church! It is so amazing to know of members who are helping him come back! He is just so amazing, he is in his 40's and is helping his parents back in Mexico. (I practice my Español on him! Ha.) He is a vet and doing really well. We watched the movie, On the Way Home. Tears came to my eyes as I thought of watching it when we were younger and now I can really understand the importance of our baptismal covenants! I know Juan will understand all of it too! That evening we had Sister Exchanges with the sister training leader's I stayed in North Salt Lake with Sister Taylor. I was so worried about the area... I'm so glad I was able to use Sister Howell's GPS! Ha.

So Tuesday we had our scripture study with Sarah, the bishops daughter of the HL Ward. The whole lesson was by the spirit... I don't know where any of the words coming out of my mouth were coming from but I just kept talking and then I turned to Preach My Gospel Ch. 6, Humility. We all need to work on it and I felt the Saviors love knowing that I can improve on my weaknesses that I have. This week it has been hard giving my will over to the Lord! Aiden is just the cutest little boy, he reminds me of Benjamin!!! Ha. He is 11 and was for true totes teaching us about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We used the tea bag and he just loved it! I guess the 30th doesn't work for him and his family so I asked Aiden what day he would like to be baptized (His mom said any Friday or Saturday in Dec.) So he told me, Dec. 6th! I asked why... it's the soonest he can get baptized! Aww. It was the cutest thing ever! He really wants to do this! Then our lesson with Brother Kay who is less active didn't go as planned but as I just sat and listened to the spirit I knew he is not ready to come back to church. He feels pushed and I told him no matter what he decides to do, if I see him at Smiths, I'm going to still say hello to him! He is still a child of God and needs to feel of His love for him!

Wednesday was a another day as a missionary! We had our lesson with Ashley and she is still off date but we were able to talk about the 10 Commandments and she just loves the hand motions!!! Oh then that evening we went to Young Women's and did Zomba!!!!!! Hahahaha. Totes crae, crae fun!!!! Hahaha. Good thing it was just the girls! Haha. ;) I forgot how much I love that workout!

Thursday was just another day on the farm! Slow but just wonderful sharing our testimonies! Ha. Friday we were able to have our district meeting and we talked about Elder Clark and Elder Bednar's talks. The spirit just filled the room as we are all learning together, doing our very best to be what our Heavenly Father wants us to be. I would totes have to say it's really hard to see that some days when all goes.... not the way you want it to. But things work out. I'm so grateful for prayer! So for some reason we had dinner and afterwards I kept getting this feeling to go to one of our Bishops homes. I just pushed it back thinking he doesn't need a visit!... Big no, no! Haha. So we drove around and then it hit me... shoot, Sister Howell we need to say a prayer... nothing is coming to me. As Sister Howell said the prayer she said a few things in it that hit me really hard, tender to my heart, knowing that this Bishop I was thinking of did not need us but we needed him! So we drove over and asked if we could share a message with his family! His children gathered around and the spirit was so very strong. We laughed and sang cute primary songs, my fav! In the back of my mind, all day, I just needed a blessing from dad. I don't know why but I felt like I needed one. Right when we were about to leave.... Bishop asked, is there anything I can do for you?! I said no and then we got up and I asked him. He said of course. I have just been super overwhelmed this week. Full of stress and with that, my stomach started hurting, so I was even more stressed and concerned about the work and how I was doing with reaching my full potential. The blessing was just so tender and just what I needed. I just wanted to feel dads love for me, and I did! It is truly just wonderful how our Heavenly Father knows us so very much to give us the strength and help that we need to continue on.

Saturday was just a pleasant day but my spirit was just really down so was Sister Howells. After our studying I went back in bed and just silently cried my eyes out watching Mormon Messages. Why hast thou forsaken me? It's because I have put up this wall and am not allowing him to help me. The atonement is real! I just need to be willing to let him in and help me overcome all of my list of weaknesses! After an hour nap and kneeling in prayer I was able to get out of the house and Sister Howell and I were able to walk down our road and share our testimonies! It was so wonderful! Then heck we did service in our boots and skirts! Service is so wonderful for the soul. Totes grateful for that simple opportunity!

Sunday was just tender to help with teaching the Jr. and Sr. Primary class in the 9th Ward! Oh how I love teaching to the children and shoot we had so much fun in singing time!!! Ps. a sister in one of our wards told me that 'I have a joyous and unfettered laugh!' Too cute, right?!!?!

I just love how our Heavenly Father still loves us no matter how many mistakes we make. During the EH sacrament meeting we sang the song, How Great the Wisdom and the Love. I need to totes have that every single day. I am trying my very best to do the things the Lord would have me do and change but it's a bit hard to do it all at once. So I just have to take one day at a time and understand the atonement a bit more. You know what I'm going to be studying this week?!!?! THE ATONEMENT! Lots of prayers! I just love you each so very much! I am so totes happy for this Thanksgiving week to really know and show what I'm thankful for! So I invite each of you to BE GRATEFUL! I LOVE YOU!!!!

Love your daughter and little sister,
Sister Sarah Jane Pratt

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

It's all about FAITH.

Dearest Pratt Family,

What a super wonderful lesson filled week it has been in North Salt Lake! We had like 30 lessons this week! I feel like this week I have been humbled and need to change. Reaching my year mark I have thought to myself about what the Lord wants me to be as his servant... I am happy BUT, I need to change a few things. I am really scared to do that but I know I will be better because of it! It's all about Faith!

So we just came back from an amazing Sister Pday and I just loved it! Sister Hansen is the cutest thing ever! We went to the Church History Museum. I know I've gone there before but I totes learned new things and thought about how wonderful our Savior is to us! Then we went to lunch at the mission home... we had like the cutest homemade mac & cheese and I felt like I was home again with a ton of sisters all around me! Ha. Then we had a wonderful devotional. Hints why the email is late and I really don't have time so I'll sum up the week in a few sentences!

Our lessons were really touching this week as Sister Howell and I worked really hard and studied a lot to prepare for Elder Bednar coming to visit our mission! Faith, Conversion, and Testimony. I'll have to write another letter to you this week all about it but all I can say is that Elder Bednar is a real apostle of the Lord. As he met with our whole mission he didn't lecture us or tell us what to do, he simply asked us what we learned from preparing to have him come... My heart was full as I prayed really hard and receiving the answers of changing my ways. My eyes were full but I know I can do it. When he stood to leave the chapel, I didn't want him to leave and I thought of that scripture about the people wanting Christ to stay a bit longer with them... I read in my pstudy and found where it was at!

3 Nephi 17:5 '...he cast his eyes round about again on the multitude, and beheld they were in tears, and did look steadfastly upon him as if they would ask him to tarry a little longer with them.' This is how I felt. I didn't want to leave the tender feeling of all of the USLCM missionaries and Elder Bednar. It just hit me really hard this week. So I read the whole chapter of 17 and shoot! Heavenly Father loves us so very much! He will help us become like Him. I don't know if this is going together but I can't quite put all my feelings down in this short amount of time! But, interviews were also this past week too and President said I'm doing great! Just don't run faster than what I can. ;)

I love you all and know we are here for a reason! Loves!

Love your daughter and little sister,
Sister Sarah Jane Pratt

Monday, November 11, 2013

I am a Child of God.

Dearest Pratt Family,

Did you know that trials help us love?! Well they do! We are still trying to meet with all our bishops (they travel for work and are gone lots of days so we just play phone tag... Haha. Totes crae!) but that evening we just stopped by one of our bishops and shoot, we were totes suppose to be there!!! One of his daughters has been having little seizures and can't be on the HS swim team and do other things. She feels embarrassed I totes know how she feels and the spirit was so strong when we encouraged her to count her blessings and being able to have a close relationship with our Heavenly Father she will feel of His love!

Wednesday we just visited referrals again and it was a slow day but we had a lesson with Ashley and it was really great over the Plan of Salvation! She is just so sweet! We were able to have like an Family Home Evening with a member family and help them invite their friends! It was super fun!

Thursday was ONE YEAR!!!! It was a normal day of missionary work. We went to lunch and I was able to see President Hill's wife from WX!!!! Oh her sweet love could be felt in her hug! I don't know why Heavenly Father has given me these little opportunities to see such dear friends here in UT but I'm just so very grateful for his love to me! It was just another day of blessings!

Friday we were able to have a tender district meeting and I was able to bare my testimony and I know I have grown so very much! I hope others can see it and feel it! 'Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.' Matthew 11:28-30. The atonement is a principle of comfort and strength through trial and adversity to all who embrace its powerful influence, in this life and forever!

Saturday, we were going out and about and Sister Howell was about to throw up! Totes nasty when you are driving in a car! Haha. I was like what the heck?! Pull over! So I drove her to one of our Ward Mission Leader's home and she received a blessing. As I drove home I just said a silent prayer asking for help. I told Sister Howell she was not going to go out for the day; I tucked her into bed for her to rest and all. I was able to do our progress record for Sunday's Stake Correlation meeting and other phone calls. I'm so grateful for the spirit of discernment to know what to do to help missionaries in our district. Tears are coming but to know I'm here in North Salt Lake also for the Elders in my district... I have been out and know but I'm still learning too! Dinner at Bishop Blacks was the best! They are so willing to help us in the work! That night I slept so very well and was happy about the day even though our numbers were zeros!

Sunday was just an early morning at 7 am (Shoot that's the time I'm just getting in the shower! Ha.) We went to the Stake High Priest Group meeting, all the older dads and grandpas! ;) Sister Howell was feeling better to bare her testimony! Then we were able to have comp study in one of the class rooms and prepare for our lessons later that night. 11 am Sacrament meeting with Elder Bednar and Elder Hales. We were personally introduced to them by our Ward Mission Leader!!! It was the FH wards primary program and I was able to really fell of my Saviors love in the tender children songs and just felt so happy to know I was taught the songs and LOVED them to death! I was conducting also as I was sitting in the seat! I just had to! Then to know Jason was able to be there and understand... there is a God! He is watchful of us! After the meeting Elder Hales asked us if we could have a picture with him! Say what?!!?! Hahaha. When he asked how long we have been out I told him a year... he told be 'don't get trunky!' Haha. His spirit is just so strong I wanted to just give him a hug. I guess I didn't think it but said it under my breath; I just want to give you a hug! So he yes, of course! It was like I was hugging the Savior! I couldn't even cry I was just so happy for that tender experience! Then we were over to the HL ward to teach Sharing time for the Jr. and Sr. Classes at 12:30! Love it! Then we drove as fast as tiwi would allow us to our Stake Correlation meeting with our Ward Mission Leader's at 2pm and then we were able to sing in Relief Society in the EH ward! Sister Dew taught the lesson and then Sister Nelson was there too! So many totes spiritual children of God were all around me! How blessed I am!

Enjoy this week and remember what you are thankful for! Then don't forget to invite friends and family to have the missionaries teach in your home, or have the missionaries teach you more about our Savior, Jesus Christ! You are each so totes amazing in my eyes and I love you all so very much! Let us all be children of God that Press On!

Love your daughter and little sister,
Sister Sarah Jane Pratt
So I'm writing all of you today along with other missionary friends that are back home and friends from work! Sister Howell and I aren't going to the Pday activity because I have a lot of cleaning (I just have to do my laundry... it's the first time my basket has been overflowing on my mission and I just feel nasty!)

Monday, November 4, 2013

I'm feeling totes Exceptional!

Dearest Pratt Family,  

The North Salt Lake Stake is just wonderful! I am so very happy to be serving here! Every single day Sister Howell and I saw a miracle! We are just so totes loved by our Heavenly Father! I could just feel His warm blanket around me and all I could do was pray and express my gratitude to Him! We still don't have anyone on date but we are working with Ashley, Adain, Jason, and a few others. They are totes going to be on date this next week, I pray!

The Zone is like the best! We played soccer last Monday and I totes loved it despite my bad skills of kicking a ball, totes better at throwing it! It was just great. During Sacrament meeting my heart was just so full thinking of all the amazing blessings He has given to me.

I'VE BEEN OUT ON A MISSION FOR A YEAR!!!!! on Nov. 7th! PARTY! Totes, super, crae, awesome! I have looked back this past week on all I have been through on my mission... my mistakes and illnesses and lack of knowing how to teach, I wouldn't re-due any of it! I remember having down days and still do but I remember more what I have learned from them and think, Shoot, I felt Heavenly Fathers love for me so very much! He does watch out for us. Most of the time I feel like all the lessons have been for me, not for our investigators... I am crying and I feel super stupid! Ha. I just feel so blessed to have His love around me! To grow closer to Him and I hope in some way like Him too.

On Thursday we were able to go to the Bountiful temple. It was just full of LOVE! I felt so wonderful inside and know I'm here for a reason! I didn't want to leave the room... The light rested on the room from the windows and all I could do was smile as I felt so wonderful inside! I know I sound like I'm repeating myself but I'm just so grateful for all my blessings!

Love is key! On Saturday we did service all day! My heart was so full racking the fall leaves! The day was just perfect! Then Sunday, it snowed! I will write you a letter this week of all my tender moments I had with Sister Howell. We are learning even more being together!

Love your daughter and little sister,
Sister Sarah Jane Pratt