Tuesday, December 18, 2012

I am a Child of God! And He loves me!

Dear Family,
What an exciting time it is, I'll be calling the Family home phone on Christmas Day!!! I'm so excited!!! I hope that works with you all being able to help at the Legion and hope Carrie, Andrew, and Grandma can be there and have James, Diana and Liam on the cell!
This week was a sure trial of my faith and following the spirit. I'm grateful for the little promptings of the Holy Ghost and for the Elders in our Zone. Monday going to the Temple made my day. We had a Family Home Evening lesson with the W Family. They are becoming active and preparing for the temple, so we are doing Family Home Evening with them to bring the spirit into their home and keep them focused! I love their family! Tuesday was a downer we stopped by the Green Lead apartments and four of them weren't home....two of them rescheduled.....It's hard and discouraging, but I just had to keep smiling. Wednesday was another day we went out and about and still nothing. We walked in the snow and cold and it made my heart break...I could be doing better, We could be doing better. I kept thinking, "What am I doing wrong???" So we watched a MTC Devotional from Elder Holland, Feed my Sheep...I studied that more because in seminary with Brother P it touched me so much and brought back memories....what can I do to feed His sheep? Do I love Him enough? We had a few appointments but they weren't super awesome. It came down to Thursday and we served D by cleaning her home. We had dinner with the G Family and awesome Mexican food. Sister G drove us around that night. We had correlation. Please pray for the Woods Cross North Stake and Woods Cross Stake Mission Leaders to help us with the work. We had a lesson with K, it was touching to finally have a lesson and feel the sweet spirit testify of the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith, Sister G was able to read the first vision and testify/share her testimony! I was so grateful for a member being in the lesson with us. K then asked so what do I read next??! WHAT?!!?! So tender sweet!
Friday came and we had District meeting I was feeling like...'Where is dad? I really need help and I can't do this alone, I need a blessing to help me continue on.' The day went on and we had a lesson with L. Elder R forgot his scriptures at the meeting that morning so we took them with us. When they came to pick them up, he asked me how I was doing. I knew I needed a blessing and help. I'm so grateful they were there and able to talk to me. I needed that blessing and just knew Heavenly Father was speaking to me! I am a child of God and He love me! Personally! Don't postpone the promptings of the Spirit. 
Pray for K and his family that they can be married and be baptized. He is awesome and a spiritual man! L is progressing! Teaching her is amazing!
I love you all so much and will TALK to you later! Enjoy your week and a wonderful day! Love your daughter and little sister,
Sister Sarah Jane Pratt

Thursday, December 13, 2012

A Special Email

We received a lovely email from a member in Sister Pratt's area.

This is her email:

I am a member of the Woods Cross 9th ward where your daughter is serving a mission, I usually help the sister missionaries with rides and today, 12-12-12 I was giving them a ride and decided to take a picture of your sweet daughter and she asked me to send it to you, I hope that's ok. She is a great missionary, she is an amazing person, I am so glad I met her, she always has a sweet smile, a great attitude, she has a light that brings peace and happiness to everyone, I just want you to know how special she is to my family, we love her already!! Hope you have a great day!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Have I told you how blessed we are as a Family?!!?!

Here is Sister Pratt's letter:

This week has been one of learning, yet again and full of love! To mom and dad, I hope all is well with your health....I'm feeling totally better. He truly has blessed Sister Yates and myself here in Woods Cross! We had the opportunity to be observed by the Missionary Training Center, Sister Julia Carolsen. She was just there, but her spirit was amazing. She was able to give us a ride both Wednesday and Thursday. What a blessing because of rain and snow. She would observe us and give us so much input and help. We both needed that and I need to keep telling myself that I CAN be a great missionary.

The spirit has prompted me two times this week. On Tuesday we had a lesson with L. She is ready to be baptized. So we planned to review a pamphlet and what she read in Helaman. She never read. Bummer. So I was like forget this! We are reading with you L! (Oh I hardly talk ever, I know it's surprising so I was thinking that! Sister Yates said, Lets read then!) Then I remembered what Brother Blanchard taught in the MTC. Ask them to pray to receive revelation through the Book of Mormon. Perfect! I then opened my mouth and the spirit filled the room as L prayed to know where to read and for it to help her. She opened at random to Alma 13. Then I was thinking oh great...I don't know anything about this chapter! What do I say about it. We read and the spirit filled her at vs. 20! The scriptures were before her and she knew that she needs to read the scriptures every day, have faith that Heavenly Father knows us and our needs! What a blessing. I smiled so big! I didn't need to know about the chapter for her to receive revelation!

Wednesday, we worked so hard in the Green Lead apartments and the Area Book. I had no clue who to visit! I don't know anyone! But when I looked through it I picked a few names, we visited them and wow! Willing to learn about the church! Then our last door. Sister Yates said, pick a door Sister Pratt. Umm the right side with the tree outside it! I knocked! Steve answered. I would love to have you teach me more!!!!! WHAT?!!?! They sound like my own thoughts, but it's the sweet whisperings of the Holy Ghost!

Friday was weak... we didn't plan well so we had to walk in the snow to the trailers. I'd say like to Pettisville and back. But our chats are so meaningful. About life, our amazing family and us as missionaries!

Saturday night was the Christmas party! The ward that has all old grandparents or newly wed! Haha. The ride that took us home. So sweet. It didn't matter how many times she asked me where I was from, I loved her and chatted with her. She reminded me of Grandma! My love for Grandma Iliff grew 1,000 plus times more! Her tender heart and white hair. I love Grandmas advice. Her tight hug before I left on my mission meant so much to me. She is really only a letter away! Sister Yates said that I need to work with older people. She just stood and watched me chat away. But she is amazing with Adults and children! Each to our own!

Sunday was amazing I love talking to the sweet deacons and teachers before church! How strong examples they are to me! Priesthood power. Dad, I love you! Lead the family in prayer and scripture study! With your
obedience we will be blessed! You are amazing! Thanks for having the sheep farm. I talk about them often. Sister Yates said, I may not have had strict parents but they taught me to work hard and go forward. James, Andrew and Dad, the path to discipleship. Listen to the spirit. Be that priesthood Heavenly Father wants you to be! I love you for that!

Our Zone went to the temple today! So beautiful! The joy and blessings of family! I thought of every one of you!!!! Mom, Dad, Grandma, Carrie, Diana, James, Liam, Andrew, AM, The Woodruffs - Joshua and Mary and Tuckers - Abby!

Christmas is here! The snow is amazing on the mountains! Sister Yates and I sing Christmas songs all the time! Brother Lingard, Stake High Councilman will have us call or skype?!!?! Family, what do you want to do? I'm happy to say I have Christmas presents for you all, bummer I didn't get one for Liam, but maybe next year! I'll send it out like next week! We will be having a party at the mission office and our district will be Christmas Caroling!!! So happy Sister Yates can sing!

How blessed am I to be a missionary at this time! 3 Nephi 11:41 'Therefore, Sister Pratt go forth unto this people, and declare the words which I have spoken, unto the ends of the earth.'

With all my love, your daughter and little sister,
Sister Sarah Jane Pratt



Brother Woolf!


Brother Blanchard!

Entering into Utah Salt Lake City Mission (USLCM)

Sister Pratt & Sister Yates

"So I was so excited to go up to my first door...I tripped! I've been working really hard! 
Haha. Silly Sister Pratt"

Brian's Baptism

Merry Christmas!

Sister Julia! MTC observer!

Bountiful Zone

Salt Lake City Temple with Sister Yates

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Called to Bountiful!

We received Sister Pratt's email yesterday and two letters in the mail. It was an exciting day!

Here is her email:

Oh how grateful I am to be serving in the Bountiful Zone, in the Woods Cross area! I totally love it. It's very clean, and wonderful people. Kind of like Holland! Calm and pleasant! President and Sister Winn are just amazing! Wonderful and bright. He interviewed me and said right there, Sister Pratt I know you and your companion will be great together! What?!!?! He already knew who I would be with! It's true we are amazing together! In a way she is like Diana. Super chill and all, sweet and encouraging when I need it. I get down on myself so much to be that super awesome missionary. I just need to stop looking at the details. She is from Virginia and has her degree in Fine Arts, painting! She loves to sing like makes her own tunes like Imogen Heaps! Super cute!

The first day we did extreme contacting on 100 S. Sister Yates and I talked to everyone. I love it! I've never talked to so many homeless people in my life! Mom you would freak out! Haha. But to know that the gospel is still true! They too are a child of God with tobacco, tattoos earrings everywhere or in a business suit and tie! To put it simply, it's humbling!

Friday we went out walking at night, we try not to do that but our ride was not able to take us out. (Since we are in an area that love missionaries we have super cute bikes! Really, we have no car! Ha. So we have sisters in the wards pick us up and go to appointments with us!) So Sister Yates and I walked. It was so super windy but Sister Yates and I were able to talk about our mission and the more I talk to her and get to know her the more I love her. She told me Sister Pratt, the lessons you learn here and apply, the Lord will give you strength when you go home and make goals.

Then the most powerful words ever. As we were talking just last night about our friends. She said that I'm so virtuous! I was silent for a ling time thinking about that. She said I was so pure... So when Anna-Marie sent me her email about Bold and Bright, our favorite Virtue song I felt so humbled to know someone would think   of me like that! I'm really grateful for the example Mom and Dad and all of you siblings have set for me. I do know who I am! A daughter of God!

We had a baptism on Saturday! Brian! I have felt like I haven't contributed to his conversion but on Sunday we went to the 10th, 11th, and 1st ward! Oh by the way we cover two stakes and 14 wards! No big deal! Hahah. We were in Gospel Principles class and a sister had a question about the Holy Ghost. I was so happy that my Missionary Training Center (MTC) teacher Brother Woolf was willing to take the time to help me learn more about the Holy Ghost because I said, that the Holy Ghost is like the Sun it can move around but you can somehow still feel it's power/influence in Utah, Ohio, New York, Spain, or Japan. She said that helped her so much. Well that evening Brian and his family had us over for dinner. Sister Yates was helping in the kitchen and Brian just started to talk to me. I don't talk much surprising... I know! Haha. But really I hardly say a word most the time. And Brian told me that. But he told me that what I had said in Church today was an answer to his question too. He thanked me for that and my eyes got watery. Heavenly Father does answer our silent prayer.

There are blessings all around! I love them! We are walking and a car comes up, Hey Sisters, do you need a ride? Missionaries are awesome, let me pay for your lunch!!! Awesome! I love it! and I love you all!

Continue with getting better dad and grandma! I hope classes are well Andrew and students are behaving Carrie! Anna-Marie you're super cute! Have fun at work! Big D and James thanks for the cute cards Liam is so tender and sweet!

With all my love, your daughter and little sister, Sister Sarah Jane Pratt
Ps. still sick....I'm calling sister Winn today. :(

Sister Pratt in her letter shared with us that she started to feel ill the day before she left the Missionary Training Center. Pray that she will get better soon!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Mission Officially Begins

Sister Pratt left the Missionary Training Center in Provo, UT at 6 am on November 28. She is now in the mission field! We received an email from her mission president, President Bruce Winn. He said that she is in high spirits as she anticipates the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead and he is impressed by her desire to serve.

Her first day included an orientation at the Brookshire Ward building, breakfast, a brief interview with President Winn, administrative paperwork, assignment of her companion, and lunch. After lunch she participated in an extreme street contacting experience before going to her assigned area to complete the day.

Her assigned companion and trainer is Sister Yates and her assigned area is Woods Cross, UT.

We have not received an email from Sister Pratt yet, but we believe it will come next week on her assigned preparation day.

President Winn, Sister Winn, and Sister Sarah Jane Pratt

Monday, November 26, 2012

Thanksgiving Email

I hope everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving! We all have so much to be thankful for.

Sister Pratt was able to email us on Thanksgiving, but it was a busy day for her and Sister Hansen. The Missionary Training Center had a special devotional and Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints spoke.

Here is her email from this week:

Happy Thanksgiving! This week has been yet again another powerful spiritual learning roller coaster for me! I love the gospel! In each of our lessons this week the spirit was truly present! The power of prayer is forever in my heart! And yes mom, this week I have been singing 'Let the Holy Spirit Guide'! We only have a week left. But I'm so ready to keep learning and reading the scriptures. The Book of Mormon has a special spirit when you are open to the spirit! Mom and dad, how is the Book of Mormon reading going! I really do promise you that it will bless your lives even more by reading from the pages. Also to my sibs! Do it! Look for ways to apply to your life now, school, work, friends, children?!!?! Ha.

Today we had to wake up at 4 am to do laundry because of our special devotional. It took us three hours! But I loved every moment writing letters and what not! Our devotional was spirit filled...sitting at the foot of yet another apostle was a blessing! Elder Jeffrey R. Holland! So much insight on my life and more, the blessing of serving a mission is reality and no I will not be the same Sarah Jane when I come home...I know I'll speak kinder and love more, and have lots of patience! I wait every morning for Sister Hansen to get ready but sit and read the Book of Mormon just like we did when we were getting ready for church when we were younger! I love the teachings you taught us mom and dad!

Everything that you all have said in a letter has been much needed for me! We are so close and I love it! I love you all! Extra hugs and kisses this special week!!!

Love your daughter and little sister,
Sister Sarah Jane Pratt

Ps. We leave Nov. 28 at 6 am! Yes in a van/bus! Totally Awesome!
You might miss your dad, but you are aching for your mothers! - Elder Holland

Please Note:
Sister Pratt will be leaving the Missionary Training Center in Provo, UT on Wednesday, November 28; therefore, please write letters to her mission address which is below. Thank you!

Sister Sarah Jane Pratt
Utah Salt Lake City Mission
3487 S 1300 E West Entrance
Salt Lake City, UT 84106

Friday, November 16, 2012

Sister Pratt's First Email

Yep, that's right, we received Sister Pratt's first email yesterday (November 15). We now know that she will be emailing us on Thursday because that is her preparation day (a day for missionaries to take care of personal needs, such as writing letters, emailing family, washing clothes, getting a haircut, cleaning their apartment, shopping, etc). When she begins in the mission field (Salt Lake City, Utah) this will probably change.

Here are a few things from her email this week:
  • Her companion is Sister Hansen from Arizona.
  • Sister Hansen & Sister Pratt share a room with two other Sisters.
  • Her coordinating sister and Zone Leader's are serving in the Netherlands. (Andrew served in the Netherlands, so she talks to them frequently since she has a connection with them)

"The Elders in our district are the best! They show so much respect by standing up when we walk in the classroom, holding the door and thanking us for just being here. Yes, they are still 19 but their testimonies are so strong! All our families very but we are like family already. I will finish in 18 months! I love the gospel of Jesus Christ."

Here are some pictures:

Myself (Anna-Marie), Diana, James, Liam, and Sister Pratt right before we dropped her off at the Missionary Training Center in Provo, Utah

Elder Pfister, a Young Single Adult from Akron, OH 
(Sarah and I have spoken with him at Young Single Adult activities)

Sister Pratt's mission 
(Utah Salt Lake City Mission)

Sister missionaries!

Missionaries at the Provo Temple

More Sisters!

Sister Pratt & Elder Christensen (from the Perrysburg Ward, he will be serving in California)

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Today I checked my email and I was so happy to see that I have my MTC mailing address! I can't believe this is happening... me, Sarah Jane serving a mission! This wasn't in my plan. But it was in Heavenly Fathers plan and he knows what's best for me! Four more days til I report to the MTC and only two more days til I fly out to Utah! I think I should start packing right about now?!!?! Ha.  

Sister Sarah Jane Pratt 
MTC Mailbox # 163 
UT-SLC 1128
2005 N 900 E
Provo, UT 84604-1793

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

A little piece of Heaven

One of my goals has been to go to the temple to be married to a worthy young man but on Saturday I went to prepare myself for a mission for the Lord. It really was a little piece of heaven. Going to the Columbus Temple and receiving and taking upon myself covenants with the Lord was such a powerful experience. Being able to feel Heavenly Father so close to me made me have tears of joy, love and peace. I know that Heavenly Father lives. The atonement of Jesus Christ is real. I know it. I live it. I love it.

Farwell talk

When you start counting down the weeks instead of months you know your time at home is coming to a close. Preparing for a mission is hard work but so uplifting. On Sunday the 21st of October I gave my 'farewell talk' in the Wauseon Branch. Being able to talk about my mission, The Utah Salt Lake City Mission, it felt so amazing to share my testimony of how I decided to serve a mission. It's simple, just listen to the Holy Ghost! Oh and prayer and fasting and more prayer and fasting! Ha. Being able to learn from past prophets and understand how they gained their testimonies has be a great strength to me, by reading the scriptures. Understanding and applying! As I was speaking on Sunday, looking out at the congregation, I was over come with the support from family, friends and neighbors. To go through Primary, Young Women's and then into Relief Society with the love of all of them helping me grow with in myself but also in my home and community, and school! I not only felt their love but the love of my Heavenly Father! How grateful I am!